Chaffey FCU Money Market

Earn a high rate on your savings with the liquidity of a checking account. Minimum deposit required is $5,000. Three withdrawals of a minimum of $500 are allowed per calendar month. Dividends compound and credit monthly. There is no monthly service fee or per check charge. Penalties apply if the average daily balance falls below $5,000 or for withdrawals in excess of three per calendar month.

Squeeze more out of your savings. Our money market account offers liquidity and a higher yield.


Learn More About Chaffey Money Market Accounts

  • Convenient, ready access to your cash. Simply write a check (up to three per month).
  • Attractive dividend rate. Rates are tiered, with balances of $10,000 or more paying one of the highest rates in town.
  • Minimum opening balance requirement is $5,000.
  • The perfect place to save for emergencies or once-a-year payments such as taxes, insurance or tuition payments.
  • Your aggregate savings accounts are insured to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration(NCUA), a federal agency. Your accounts are also insured up to an additional $250,000 with coverage provided by ASI, for combined coverage of up to $500,000.